Services | Application Development and Deployment


Sima Solutions has extensive experience in developing J2EE, WebSphere and portal applications. With our long-standing reputation for successful design and deployment, Sima Solutions is uniquely qualified to help any size organization design and maintain the most essential business applications.

We’ve successfully customized and implemented hundreds of J2EE application projects for our clients and we continue to bring our extensive expertise and consultative approach to every project we touch.

We offer assistance in the following areas:

Health Check
Our specialists will review the performance quality of your application, ensuring that problems are identified before failure occurs. Sima Solutions can make informed recommendations to extend the capability of the application and improve overall performance.

Standards Compliance
By reviewing J2EE, XML, J2C, SOA and web-services compliance standards, we’ll make sure your application and IT infrastructure complies with open standards.

Deployment Readiness
Before you go into production on your next WebSphere application, our experts will ensure that all hardware, software and applications are configured properly to avoid unnecessary delays in production rollout.

Application Monitoring
Sima Solutions can help you diagnose the source of application failures, identify the source of the problem and implement the necessary fixes.

Team Mentoring and Staff Augmentation
Sima Solutions’ mentoring program has been highly successful in providing our customers a higher level of comfort. We have a resident expert who can share best-practices information and address issues or questions as they arise. Most companies have strong IT departments with experts who can address their business needs but don’t specialize in the underlying technologies, of which WebSphere is a prime example. This is where we can fill the gaps.